Dr Constantinos Adamides and Petros Petrikkos took part in the European Security and Defence College’s course on Research Methodology, held at the University of Piraeus in Greece on 3-5 May 2023.
Through the ESDC Doctoral School on the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), the University of Nicosia and the Diplomatic Academy are network members. Mr Petrikkos is also a PhD Fellow at the Doctoral School and Dr Adamides also serves the School as an advisor. Both represent UNIC at the Doctoral School Working Group in Brussels, whereas Dr Adamides also sits on the Executive Academic Board. The EAB is the decisive instrument of the ESDC that makes final recommendations to the Steering Committee, before decisions are finalised and implemented within the working structures of the ESDC under the European Union External Action Service.
The 3-day course consisted of lectures, workshops, and networking. It involved the participation of Former European Commissioner and current Minister for Climate and Change and Humanitarian Relief Dr Christos Stylianides, who gave the keynote speech on the first day at the Laskarides Foundation in Piraeus. Other participants included members from the EEAS and the ESDC, the National Intelligence Academy of Romania, the University of Piraeus, the Armed Forces of the Hellenic Republic, the University of Amsterdam, and many other institutions and research units. The majority of sessions were conducted at the University of Piraeus. Cultural tours also included a visit to the Temple of Poseidon in Sounion and the island of Hydra.
Dr Adamides delivered a lecture on the geopolitical challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean on day 1. Both he and Mr Petrikkos also designed and delivered an interactive workshop on research methodology, including process-tracing and discourse analysis for Security Studies researchers.
On behalf of the University of Nicosia and the School of Law, the Diplomatic Academy would like to thank the organisers from the University of Piraeus and the ESDC. Special thanks to Professor Foteini Asderaki and her team, as well as the ESDC Training Manager, Dr Georgică Panfil.
More information on the Doctoral School can be found at: https://esdc.europa.eu/doctoral-school/