Policy Paper entitled Cyprus and the EU: Appraisal and Challenges published by Notre Europe and the Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs.  The Publication consists of two papers, The European Union and the Cyprus Issue by Jean-François Drevet and The Republic of Cyprus in Perspective: The Record and Future Challenges by Andreas Theophanous.  It is being released simultaneously in three languages Greek, French and English.







GR: https://www.unic.ac.cy/cceia/images/policypapers/greek_language/policy%20paper-gr.pdf



FR: http://www.notre-europe.eu/fr/axes/democratie-en-action/travaux/publication/chypre-et-lue-etat-des-lieux-et-defis/



EN: http://www.notre-europe.eu/en/axes/european-democracy-in-action/works/publication/cyprus-and-the-eu-appraisal-and-challenges/

